Dulverton Gardening Club

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Shows 2023

The Dulverton and District
Flower and Produce Show 2023

Flower and Produce Show August 19th 2023
From the variety of entries being brought into the Town Hall early on the Saturday morning it was clear we were going to have a good Show again this year. In spite of the unpredictable weather early in the year the flowers, vegetables and fruit did not disappoint.
All sections of the schedule were well supported and the judges once again commented on the standard of presentation and attention to detail shown by all the entrants.
The cafe area was, as always, very popular with standing room only towards the end of the afternoon, which concluded with the presentation of cups, the raffle, with a wide variety of locally donated prizes, and the auction. We are very grateful to Exmoor Distillery for sponsoring the Show again this year and to Nicola Smith from the Distillery for presenting the cups. The auction, professionally conducted by Peter Huntley, was again a popular and lively part of the afternoon.
It is thanks to the hard work from the Committee and other members of the Gardening Club both before and during the Show that visitors were rewarded with such an enjoyable occasion.
Dulverton Gardening Club
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