A small group of residents and members of the old local Horticultural Society got together at the beginning of January 2010 with the aim of forming a gardening club An open meeting was held in the Town Hall and it was agreed to form the Dulverton Gardening Club. We now have a membership of 60 people
We have revived the Annual August Flower and Produce show, introduced a Junior Show which is held at the local school, and sponsors locally are developing our annual Plant Sale, held late May, early June
We arrange a number of talks and demonstrations each year from specialist speakers.
We meet monthly on the third Thursday of the month, normally starting at 7.15pm. Our meetings are held in Dulverton Town Hall with light refreshments available.
We arrange to visit gardens of interest and specialist growers during the spring and summer months. The gardens are open for group visits and sometimes by special arrangement for the club.
Chair – Christine Dubery – 01398 323474 – duberyc@aol.com
Secretary – Roger Hammond – 01398 323954 – rl.hammond@btinternet.com
Treasurer – Andrew Caldwell - 01884 251943 - aandacaldwell@btinternet.com
Events – Jim Buchanan – 01398 324369 – jandclbuchanan@gmail.com
Committee Member – Annette Jeffries – 01398 323462 – annettej@waitrose.com
Committee member– Joyce Reardon – 01398 323495 – reardons2@hotmail.co.uk